Tuesday, 25th September, GEAI’s team and volunteers went to Dublin to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The United Nations General Assembly set the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (or SDGs) in 2015. These 17 goals are a universal plan of action for the world to achieve by 2030. They aim to fight against poverty, climate change, inequalities, hunger, water pollution, etc.

This event in Dublin celebrated the adoption of the SDGs and promoted the promise of “Leave No One Behind”.

We met on O’Connell Bridge in front of a huge SDGs banner. Following some speeches, we marched from O’Connel Street to the Garden of Remembrance in Parnell Square. After several speeches about SDGs from environmental organisations (including Coalition 2030, Environmental Pillar, Friends of the Earth, Coastwatch), we heard from a Belgian Embassy official and finally heard a very powerful performance from two young girls who are asylum seekers and have been for years in Direct Provision.

Sustainable Development Goals March O'Connell Bridge

Credits: Niall Sargent – Green News.ie

Tuesday was also the arrival day of our new volunteer Siri from Greece. What a beginning for her EVS in Ireland!

After the final photos, we also had the opportunity to promote our Powerful Communities campaign with our banner!

Sustainable Development Goals March - Powerful Communities banner