An astonishing and positive step to fight climate change

GEAI is delighted to share the news that on Thursday, May 9th 2019, the Dáil voted to declare climate and biodiversity emergencyWith almost unanimous cross-party agreement, they also agreed to “accept and endorse” the blueprint for action developed by the cross-party Committee on Climate Action.  

“This is a remarkable development by our Government,” said Aedín McLoughlin, GEAI.  “Ireland is only the second country to declare such an emergency and already, across the world, we are being congratulated on this achievement.  Among the first to congratulate Ireland was famous climate activist Greta Thunberg who also pointed out that Climate Emergency means leaving fossil fuels in the ground! Good Energies Alliance is delighted with this declaration and hopes that future actions by this Government reflect the seriousness of the situation and the necessity by Ireland to show leadership.”

Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden, supports what is happening in Ireland:

Green Party candidate delighted

“With the major Government parties, the Green Party is fully behind the recommendations of the Oireachtas Committee,” said Leslie O’Hora, director of GEAI.  “These include a target for Ireland to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the potential for communities and individuals to sell solar and other renewable energies, reform of the CAP to provide more support for diversification of small farms, a new forestry plan and a huge programme of retrofitting public buildings.  Without doubt, the time for action is now!”

The only reservation on support for the blueprint for Climate Action was from Sinn Féin, who refused to support changes in our carbon taxes regulations.

Let us hope that this declaration is not just another example of empty words by our government, but will result in true leadership by Ireland in the battle against climate change!