Home » Lobby MEPs to vote for Mandatory EIA – vote moved to 11th July !
Lobby MEPs to vote for Mandatory EIA – vote moved to 11th July !
Jun 27, 2013 | Local news
It was announced that the MEP rapporteur had to yield to the pressure made by the conservatives. As a consequence, he accepted to:
– postpone the vote and reschedule it to 11th July.
– take out the compromise amendment on unconventional fossil fuels.
In other words, it means that:
There won’t be any compromise amendment on shale gas, gathering suggestions from socialist and green MEPs.
As a consequence, the deal with the Socialists and the Greens doesn’t exist anymore
We need to call MEPs to support the Amendment 50 instead which is the initial proposal made by the MEP rapporteur follow our recommendations
The template letter (LINK BELOW) is changed to reflect these changes.
BACKGROUND: On July 11th a review of the EIA Directive will be voted upon in the Environment Committee of the European Parliament. It is really important that the amendment calling for an EU-wide mandatory Environmental Impact Assessment to apply to all unconventional gas projects gets passed by the Environment Committee (see wording of amendment in linked letter below).
The gas industry has been lobbying intensely against a mandatory EIA, as it would represent greater expense for them and delay their plans to drill.
Please see below a link to a revised letter drafted by Antoine Simon of Friends of the Earth Europe for us to send to our MEPs.
Who do we need to lobby? Full members of the Environment Committee
Republic of Ireland: Nessa CHILDERS (nessa.childers@europarl.europa.eu).
Northern Ireland: Martina ANDERSON (martina.anderson@europarl.europa.eu)
UK: Martin CALLANAN (martin.callanan@europarl.europa.eu)
Chris DAVIES (chris@chrisdaviesmep.org.uk)
Jill EVANS (Jill.evans@europarl.europa.eu)
Nick GRIFFIN (nick.griffin@europarl.europa.eu)
Linda McAVAN (linda.mcavan@europarl.europa.eu)
Paul NUTTALL (paul.nuttall@europarl.europa.eu)
Glenis WILLMOTT (glenis.willmott@europarl.europa.eu)
Marina YANNAKOUDAKIS (marina.yannakoudakis@europarl.europa.eu)
Where possible follow up your letter with a phone call or a meeting in person.
Please disseminate this message as widely as possible.
If this amendment is not supported, the industry will have won a major battle!