GEAI (Good Energies Alliance Ireland) is currently organising three Climate Action days for Transition Year students in Mohill Community College. This initiative is facilitated by our EVS volunteers who are proving to be a big hit with the students!
For the first day in the school on October 23rd, the aim was that students would learn more about climate change and its impacts globally and on Ireland. The morning started with an ice-breaker where the students and our volunteers had great craic, and after that the real work began. It included a presentation given by the GEAI team about climate change, its impacts on Ireland and the world and what we can do to tackle it. The students were very well informed about climate change, but were happy to get more information on the topic.
After the presentation it was time for more work. Choosing pictures that we had laid in front of them, the students showed their interest in different aspects of climate change such as extreme weather, food production, energy efficiency, power generation and pollution. According to their interests they were divided in groups. The volunteers facilitated table discussions and the students participated with great enthusiasm. They talked about their topic, finding their causes and coming up with ideas to address the issue. At the end of the session they presented their discussion results and we felt very proud of them.
[…] (Good Energies Alliance Ireland) recently organised Climate Action days for Transition Year students of Mohill Community College. The Organic Centre in Rossinver was final […]