Peatlands: a series

Peatlands are peculiar environments that represent Ireland’s most valuable carbon sink

The Process of Change for Peatlands' Sake

Finland and Ireland seem to be far away from each other, both from a geographical and cultural point of view. If there is something that they have in common, it is a boundless natural landscape and people that love it without thinking it twice. This love comprehends peatlands, peculiar environments that can be found in both countries and that were considered for many years as mere “wastelands”.

Agriculture and peatlands: the need for a new balance

Paludiculture is the use of peatlands for agriculture or forestry, without draining the land itself. Suitable crops are alder and cattails. Using this methodology, peat can be conserved, while, at the same time, leaving space for the production of biomass.

Peatlands are Ireland's hidden gems

Rewetting only 7% of agricultural land will save up to 32% of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in Ireland. This practice doesn’t imply a loss of economical value when we introduce paludiculture.

Reimagining the CAP: a conversation with Irish farmers

“When it comes to lowering our emissions, peat MUST be taken into consideration”, says farmer Gerry. Thanks to peatlands, the West could become a great carbon sink, but farmers are not compensated for rewetting them.


Peatlands are terrestrial ecosystems characterized by a constant presence of water. Water doesn’t allow organic matter to decompose and this leads to the formation of peat. 


CLIMATE: why are peatlands important to tackle the climate crisis?

When the climate crisis comes into the conversation, one of the main topics rotates around greenhouse gases (GHG). Peatlands play an essential role in their storage. 


lost on a bog


Ecosystem services are defined as the benefits gained by humankind from surrounding environments.

On a global level, peatlands are particularly efficient as climate regulators and extreme-events moderators. But they are also rich in biodiversity and important for the nutrient cycle and soil formation.



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