Oct 14, 2014 | GEAI Volunteers
GEAI volunteer Olga (centre) with local children enjoying themselves at the Belcoo camp.GEAI members provided photography and technical support to campaigners against fracking in Fermanagh on Global Frackdown Day celebrating the recent decision to terminate...
Aug 11, 2014 | Local news
11th August – Victory Night in Belcoo What a night! Campaigners in Belcoo were still trying to take it in at 9 o’clock tonight. The campaign has won its first battle and a halt has been put to Tamboran’s attempt to drill an exploratory well without...
Jul 25, 2014 | Local news
The Irish Fracking process has begun Good Energies Alliance Ireland (GEAI) views the latest developments where preparations for shale gas exploratory drilling has begun in Belcoo as a National, not local issue. Dr Aedin McLoughlin, Director GEAI, expressed extreme...