Jun 3, 2021 | Good practices, News
As I’m continuing my research on peatlands and their restoration, I had an opportunity to have a conversation with Niall O’Brolchain. He is a researcher from NUI, also involved with the policy development of paludiculture in Europe. We have already unpacked the...
May 15, 2015 | Local news
Good Energies Alliance Ireland joins the Environmental Pillar in condemning the decision to extend the lifetime of two peat-burning power stations in the Midlands beyond the present agreement of ceasing operation in 2019. The stations are located in west Offaly and at...
Jan 27, 2015 | Local news
When an oil/gas company wants to drill, of course! Look at what Rathlin Energy are planning to do near the Giant’s Causeway: Construct a drilling pad Drill down 2,700 metres – drilling day and night for up to 90 days “Stimulate” the well using...
Jan 20, 2015 | Local news, News
“Transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy by the end of 2050.” In the context of the climate crisis now confronting the earth, this is the ONLY aspiration of the Government in the Climate Action Bill 2015. There are no...