A New Climate for Education – an important Seminar

Last Friday, at the Teacher’s Club in Dublin, a seminar “A New Climate for Education“ was held, to discuss how Climate Change and sustainability are incorporated into schools curricula. This was organised by Green Foundation Ireland, Cultivate, GEAI and ECO...
A weekend of adventure

A weekend of adventure

EVS on-arrival training From 1st – 4th December, the GEAI volunteers went to Dublin for their EVS on-arrival training, organised by Léargas. This training brings all EVS volunteers in Ireland together and gives them an opportunity to share learning and...
Feb 17: GEAI at the TCD Green Week!

Feb 17: GEAI at the TCD Green Week!

The Good Energies team were present at the Trinity College Dublin Green Week! Our director Aedín McLoughlin and our EVS volunteers Irina, Olga and Santi come down from Leitrim to talk about what are we doing and to promote the Erasmus+ program among the students. The...