GEAI with two other organisations dedicated to youth and the development of environmental policies and practices – Permacultura Cantabria,and UK Permaculture – will organise an extraordinary training project for 30 young people in Cantabria, North Spain between May 31 and June 14.
GEAI, based in Leitrim, is acting as a sending organisation for the course “Permaculture: Fighting for Sustainable Living”. The main goal of this project is to train future rural entrepreneurs. It aims to bring tools, training, encouragement and examples to the participants in order to learn and to encourage business initiatives in rural areas.
The project is coordinated by Permacultura Cantabria.
The total cost for this course is £100 to include travel, accommodation, training and food. It is an opportunity not to be missed!
More information on the project:
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If you are interested in participating in this amazing course (and spending a fortnight in Spain at very little cost), please fill in this on-line form.
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To whomever it may concern,
I have just applied for the 2015 Permaculture course in Spain. I realise that the date for application has closed , however I only found about this course last minute and applied as soon as I found out Please accept my sincere apologies and consider my application, I am very interested in this area.
Iseult Imbert