Stop Drilling and Fracking in Fermanagh!
Email the First Minister and Deputy First Minister IMMEDIATELY.
The following text is suggested:
I call upon the Northern Ireland Executive to impose a suspension of the licensing process and all drilling or fracking associated with unconventional gas exploration in Northern Ireland in line with the Government of the Irish Republic, who are refusing to issue Exploration Licenses until the EPA all-Ireland Research Studies on the Environmental Impacts of Unconventional Gas Exploration and Extraction are completed and considered.
Email it to:
Peter Robinson:
Martin McGuinness:
- The new EPA-directed research study “The Environmental Impacts of Unconventional Gas Exploration and Extraction (UGEE)” is a North-South initiative. The Steering Committee includes representatives from the Geological Survey NI, DOE (Department of Environment) and DETI (Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment). As well as representatives from Geological Survey of Ireland, Petroleum Affairs Division, Department of Energy and Dept. of Environment.
- Over 1,300 submissions on the draft Terms of Reference for this study were received by the EPA; 600 of these came from Northern Ireland, showing the concern of the NI people.
- In the Republic, the Minister for Energy, Pat Rabbitte, has confirmed that no Exploratory Licences, which allow drilling and fracking, will be issued until this study is completed and considered (probably 2015). He has said many times that more research needs to be done to establish the safety of fracking, especially in relation to public health.
- People in Northern Ireland are not being given the same protection! DETI has issued an exploration licence for Fermanagh which incorporates a work programme, including drilling and fracking. The Northern Ireland Government has refused to state that it will wait until the research is completed before allowing drilling and fracking.
- Tamboran are planning to commence drilling in Fermanagh this year!
It is NOT OK to put the people of Northern Ireland at risk!
The people of Northern Ireland are entitled to the same protection as people in the South
The exploratory work programme must be stopped!
Email the Ministers! Lets have 5,000 emails in their inboxes this week and show our strength!
And follow this up with emails to all other politicians!
NI Assembly MLAs emails:
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[…] ACTION NEEDED: ‘We Deserve Better’ Campaign. LETS HAVE 5,000 EMAILS into Minister’s inboxes this week! Tamboran are planning to start drilling THIS YEAR in Fermanagh – possibly this month! Why are exploration licences refused in the South while research is being carried out and yet given the go-ahead in the North, only 10km over the border? Make your opinion known – email the Northern Ministers! Link to blog and suggested text: […]