Change starts with you!

This is a personal project of our volunteer Sasha Peralaika. Sasha likes photography and decided to collect photos of people working with Good Energies Alliance with things they do for the environment.

Sasha says: “This project started in a natural way. I was the person in charge of GEAI’s Instagram page at the time. As I was having conversations with other volunteers in the office about personal choices and impact on the environment, and wanted to reflect it on our page as well. Although it’s not realistic to defeat the climate crisis with only individual choices, – we as individuals can possibly make up to 1/4 of the global impact, – it’s very important to do as much as we can. This way we understand the roots of the problems, the importance and urgency of action. Change starts with you!”

All the posts can be found on our page or by searching tags on Instagram: #changestartswithyou_geai.