Our organisation


Legal structure

 Good Energies Alliance Ireland (GEAI) is a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Registered Charity, charity number 20154646. The company has a Board of Directors, all volunteers, as well as members. It holds regular meetings throughout the year, observes internal and external communications policies, complies with the Charities Commission Code of Governance, and submits audited accounts annually to the Companies Registration Office.


GEAI Constitution

 GEAI 2020 Audited Accounts

GEAI is a member of and is funded by the Irish Environmental Network (IEN).  This funding originates from the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE).


IEN Logo


In addition, funding is accessed through the EU Erasmus+ programme to act as a coordinating organisation, hosting and sending European volunteers and to manage European Solidarity Corps projects. (Also see Projects section)


esc logo




The Good Energies team


Directors 2022:  Janice Raine-Conick, Fergal Gilmartin, Liam Breslin, Leslie O’Hora, Bernward Schuermann, Nicoletta Pantano, Bridget Murphy. 

Company Secretary: Bernward Schuermann. 

Accountant: Sean O’Reilly.  

Operations Group: Janice Raine-Conick (Chairperson), Liam Breslin, Aedín McLoughlin, Leslie O’Hora, Bernward Schuermann, Bridget Murphy.