Following on our successful pilot programme of Climate Action Days for Transition Year students
earlier in the year, GEAI volunteers are presenting a similar programme to a class of 15 year olds in
Abbey Community College, Boyle. So far we have made presentations on climate action and
discussed ways that young people can tackle the challenges currently facing us. Topics discussed
included Food Waste, Plastic Pollution, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Now the class has identified topics and projects that they want to work on and have formed groups
to carry these out. Examples include making a video on reducing transport emissions and ways to
upcyle old materials into new objects: t-shirt totebags and beeswax wraps.
The results of the projects will be presented during the final day of the programme in the Organic Centre, Rossinver in December. Look out for our report on the projects. Further Climate Action Days will be organised in the New Year in Carrick on Shannon. We look forward to working with more enthusiastic young people!