In October 2020, GEAI CEO (Aedín) and Erasmus+ team (Nick, Marine and Silvia) co-facilitated an online Climate and Communities Dialogue convened and hosted by An Cosán. This was a pilot to explore how community online climate dialogue sessions could be carried out and to evaluate the results.  The October sessions were co-created and developed by Suzie Cahn, Theresa O’Donohoe and Floss Adams with some funding from the Local Community Environmental fund.


  1. We created a picture of what has been going on and by whom in terms of Climate action in Ireland,especially at community level.
  2. Throughout the process used, we promotedthis kind of activity to people who registered an interest. [The eventhad 600 views and 65 registered; 20-25 attended each session including several representatives from county councils and other local agencies.]
  3. We supported networking and collaboration across communities who attended.


  1. We pilotedan online Climate Dialogue to demonstrate what they could look like (including active listening to attendeesperspective and identifying challenges to actions), as a starting template for online Climate Dialogues convened in this way with government support.
  2. The convenors hosted the Irish Launch of the new “Communities for Future” programme developed by ECOLISE.
  3. We continue to encourage networking and collaboration and sharing up to date informationon projects happening currently in Ireland and possible next steps.