Irish and European Anglers threatened by fracking!
GEAI is happy to spread the truth about the impacts of fracking to all sectors of the population. Therefore, when contacted by Martin McEnroe, President of the Angling Council Ireland, we were delighted to work with him in producing a glossy folder and insert for the Anglers in Europe. Understandably, they are very concerning about the possible impacts of fracking on the fragile waterways of Europe.
Some facts:
- All land in Europe is drained by rivers or streams. The Rhine River drains huge areas of eight countries; The River Shannon drains one-third of Ireland.
- Fracking takes over huge tracts of land – hundreds of thousands of acres per project. All of those areas are drained by rivers and streams, vital to fisheries.
- Target areas for Fracking include World Heritage Sites, Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and other important nature and heritage areas that are angling paradises and tourism attractions.
- Wildlife, flora and fauna in those areas would be degraded due to the nature of the fracking process such as water abstraction, drilling waste, spillages, road run-off and change of land use.
Links to documents
Angling Council Ireland Folder
Effects of Fracking on our Waterways
Picture: Eoin Mc Manus with the first salmon of 2014 on the River Drowes
[The River Drowes is famous for regularly producing the first salmon of the year, being one of the few rivers opening on 1st January. Rarely is there a year when a fish is not caught on opening day. Indeed this is a very festive occasion with some 250 anglers fishing, all striving to land the first salmon of the year. The river flows for about 5 miles draining the 103 square mile catchment into the Atlantic]
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