Have you ever wondered what is your role in protecting the planet? What can you do to fight climate change? Will your individual actions really make a difference? And quite simply, would they have any impact on the environment? We would like to tell you a lovely story, the Hummingbird’s Tale, which might help you answer these questions.
The Hummingbird’s Tale
The Hummingbird’s Tale is an Amerindian story told by Pierre Rabhi:
One day, a long time ago and in a faraway place, or so the legend goes, there was a huge forest fire that was raging in the countryside. All the animals were terrified, running around in circles, screaming, crying and helplessly watching the impending disaster.
But there in the middle of the flames, and above the cowering animals, was a tiny hummingbird busy flying from a small pond to the fire, each time fetching a few drops with its beak to throw on the flames. And then again. And then again.
After a while, an old grouchy armadillo, annoyed by this ridiculous useless agitation on the part of the hummingbird, cried out “Tiny bird! Don’t be a fool. It is not with those minuscule drops of water one after the other that you are going to put out the fire and save us all !”
To which the hummingbird replied, “Could be, but I’m going to do my bit.”
The moral of the story
Sometimes we feel helpless with environmental problems. And, we believe that the biggest changes must come from governments and the big players in this world.
This is where we are wrong.
From a certain point of view, governments have responsibilities to take. But remember that every action to protect our planet counts. Why? How?
The change in our society starts with each of us. In other words, my individual actions determine the change in society. One day, my example might inspire others.
So we can all become a hummingbird and make a contribution to protecting our environment! Mutual aid, solidarity, and cooperation are the basis of life in all societies.
How could I become a hummingbird?
We can start with very small daily actions. Here are some examples:
- sort waste,
- buy local and seasonal products,
- eat less meat,
- buy the amount of food you need and don’t throw the food away,
- use public transport,
- carpool…
Choose at least one of them that you are more comfortable with and start your changes. You will see how, after few months, it will become a new habit. So, fly away little hummingbird!

Author: Célia Melcus