GEAI surveys local coastline
The Coastwatch survey is an exciting project dating back to 1987 that aims to assess the state of the Irish coasts thanks to the help of volunteers. We had the chance to take part to this exciting project by surveying Tullaghan beach, one of the most well-known surfing beaches of Co. Leitrim.

A Green Win Against Shannon LNG
On the morning of Friday September 15th, we volunteers decided to join the Fridays for Future manifestation in Dublin to represent GEAI.

A GEAI Green Weekend At Electric Picnic!
GEAI had the chance to volunteer at the Global Green area of Electric Picnic for 3 days, contributing to spread its message to thousands of festival goers.

Hidden threats in Beautiful Flowers: Invasive Species in Ireland
Montbretia in Ireland: Troublesome Beauty Montbretia (Crocosmia X crocosmiflora) is an invasive perennial plant originating from underground corms. It is a horticultural hybrid developed in France during the 1880s by crossing two South African Crocosmia species...